Friday, November 13, 2009

The signs.

The signs that winter is coming are more frequent now.  The world is a lack of color almost every morning now and the mountains get snow every time it rains down here with us.  Winter is coming despite the rain and high 50's in the forecast for Sunday...  Winter is coming and with winter brings snow and all the glorious activities that accompany the cold white stuff, including Relay For Life NordicStyle! 

Sign up today!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Weeks Past and Those to Come

Almost a week has past since the American Cancer Society's New England Relay For Life Summit in Braintree, MA but I'm still buzzing with ideas and information that I soaked up in the two days I was there.  My dad and I were the representatives of the NordicStyle event and we showed our nordic spirit with gogges, winter hats and mittens dangling from our clothing.  We were recognized by folks all day from all over the northeast with comments like "there are those goggles, we've been looking for you all day!"  They recognize us there for our crazy tradition of showing our winter spirit even while sitting in stifling hotel conference rooms all day.  We are the only winter event and we are absolutely proud of it and want everyone to know it.  We provoke people to ask why we have a mitten clipped to our belt or why we're the only one where a winter hat or florescent pink goggles.  We want to share our love for our uniqueness, so go ahead and ask! 

Three words we heard constantly throughout the two day was Growth. Potential. Quality.  These are the three things that make an event successful and that keep bringing people back.   Things that we work to improve on constantly. 

As the two days were packed full  of information and networking opportunities, I still have some sorting to do to make sense of it all, so definitely more will come later on the new ideas that are crammed into my brain and my notebook. 

As for coming events!  Next Thursday is our official Kick-off to our Relay season!  It will also be loaded with information for cancer survivors, returning and new team captains as well as current and prospective sponsors.  We'll also be raffling off a set of Tubb's snowshoes graciously donated by Lenny's Shoe and Apparel.  So join us for lots of food, fun and great information, oh and of course all the lovely committee members brimming with Nordic and Relay Spirit!!  Come Join the party!!

Thursday November 19th, 2009
American Cancer Society Office
55 Day Lane
Williston, VT

email me for more information!!

Activities and Entertainment Chair Brian/Dad with his Birthday Hat!

Our ACS Staff Lady Jess with her very creative candle hat!

Yup, that's me.  It was still early.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hello to all and Welcome to the brand spank'n new blog for the 2010 Lamoille County Relay For Life NordicStyle!!  A little background first and then a little about myself.  

A Little About The One and Only:

    Relay For Life NordicStyle began 7 years ago with the brilliant idea that since this is Vermont, and we like to do crazy things like sleep outside in the middle of winter, and we like to be invloved in causes such as curing cancer, why don't we combine the two and sleep outside in the middle of winter while fighting cancer! Brilliant!! And so the only Winter Relay For Life event was born. With huge support from Trapp Family Lodge we were able to host the event there and use their beautiful trails in our overnight quest to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Ever since, the unique event has been growing and growing. We've, two years in a row, been on the Vermont Chamber of Commerces Top 10 list! We have more teams and participants signed up last year than any other. We've gotten the attention of the National American Cancer Society and we even had the pleasure of a visit from the National Vice President of Relay For Life, Reuel E. Johnson!! We're on a roll!! I continue to be shocked at the response we get for this event! It's so distinct from anything else, maybe that's why it draws such a crowd. I can only image what this amazing event will be at it's ten year mark!

    This year our National and Event theme is MORE BIRTHDAYS!!  Let's celebrate more birthdays through the prevention and detection of cancer.  

Who is this Blogger so Amped about Relay For Life NordicStyle, you might be asking!?

    I'm Ali Fredette.  Prior to getting involved in this event, I was a volunteer at Johnson State College's community service SERVE program as well as the JUMP program at Sonoma State University in Sonoma County, California.  I was the chair of the Alternative Spring Break program at SSU in 2004-2005 where I also led an environmental trip to Catalina Island.  In 2005-2006 I was a co-leader on an animal welfare trip to Kirkland, Ohio as well as a volunteer on a month long trip to Vietnam.  During my time with these two community service programs I attended numerous leadership and Break Away specific trainings throughout the US.  When I left school I hadn't found another organization I was so dedicated to as the college based program I had left behind.  In 2007 Jessica Swartley (then the Survivorship Chair, now the Event Co-Chair) invited me to volunteer at the event.  I helped her with the Survivor Reception and from there became her Survivorship co-chair.  I also helped with team development and the following year took on the role of Team Development Chair.  I started off this season co-chairing Activities and Entertainment with my Dad but have been given the opportunity to take on the role of Event Co-Chair, again with Jessica Swartley at my side.  I really look forward to bringing new ideas to the event.  I am excited for this opportunity and hope to help make this event bigger and better than the last.

    The reason I was so easily persuaded to be so dedicated to this event and the overall cause of cancer prevention, detection and the cure?  Though I have numerous family members I relay for, I relay for my step-father Bob, who for the 13 years he was in my life, he struggled with cancer.  Sometimes as an immediate threat, many years as a lingering reminder of what may come.  Last November, after a great summer with my mom of traveling, dancing, parties and marathon running, he was given 2 months.  He died on December 24th.  I don't ever want anyone to have to experience the pain and suffering that was experienced in that month (and  all the years leading up to it, waiting for the day it would come back).  Until there is a cure for cancer.  Until we have a health care system that makes detecting it and curing it affordable.  Until cancer is as common and curable as the common cold, I will fight.  I will be there to celebrate birthdays and remember those lost.  I will relay.  Thank you for your support and participation and fighting with the rest of us for who this is all to real of a threat. 

Relay with me.

    So in closing of this first entry in this years blog of the only winter Relay For Life, I would like to thank everyone involved. From the Planning Committee, the Volunteers, the Team Captains and their loyal Participants, the generosity of the Von Trapps, and all our sponsors, right down to the guys (or girls) who deliver the porto-potties! Without a single one of you this would not be the hugely successful event that it is! Thanks undoubtably to the two wonderful super heroines who started this thing, Jane and Kathy! Without you two we'd all be wondering what there was to do on an ordinary Saturday Night in March.

The Need to Knows:
Event Date:  March 6-7
Where: Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, VT 05672
see our website for more details and to sign up your team!
Sign UP Now!!

Upcoming Events!

The NordicStyle Kick-Off Party!

Celebrate birthday style at the new American Cancer Society office in Williston Vermont
Where:  55 Day Lane, Williston, VT 05495
When: Thurs. November 19th
Time: 6pm